Video marketing is an integrated content marketing method for most brand managers. More than 70% of brands say that videos have been more effective and engaging than traditional content formats such as articles, blogs, etc. Video marketing is relatively easier to integrate in your marketing strategy, your brand will create videos that will promote your business, drive sales, raise brand presence, or engage your customers. When put in practice, it can be a bit more complicated. Video marketing is data driven so that you will have to monitor various metrics and track the customer engagement. Video marketing can help you to connect with your customers and audience. Video marketing is also known to be the best SEO gold mine to help you build backlinks to the sites, enhance likes and increase the number of shares that will affect your search rankings and get traffic to your site.

If your customers usually hear something only, they are only 10% likely to retain that information for three days. But if what they hear is associated with relevant imagery, the customers are usually going to retain about 65% of the information.
We will make sure that your videos get proper video markup structured data to ensure that search engines can understand the video along with its content and properly rank it on the search engine results page.